5.2.3. Inversion

Here, the code h3dtdinv_v2.exe and the input file h3dtdinv.inp (see format) are used to invert SAM data. SAM data were created in the example “forward modeling”. Gaussian noise was added to the synthetic data. The noise had a standard deviation of +/- 10% the absolute value of each datum. Files relevant to this part of the example are in the sub-folder inv. Before running this example, you may want to do the following:

To invert the synthetic data, the input file below was used:


The inversion reached the target data misfit on 4th trade-off parameter on the second Gauss-Newton iteration (inv_04_02.con). This model (left) and the true model (right) are shown below. A cutoff of 0.025 S/m has been used for both models.
